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I'm Real!

"Everything I'm not made me everything I am."                                                            - Kanye    Would you believe, I never got undressed in front of people? Not even my own mother. I never accepted my nudity. The media has a way of destroying the real image and expectations of our bodies, so I was conditioned to believe that I was in the wrong. For my tone, stretchmarks, cellulite, scars from my skin disease and my flat ass. Had me thinking I was deformed. Researching natural remedies to rid discoloration or spending money on cosmetics for temporary...

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Real Women Doing Real Things

      I tried to think of a name for this project, but I came up with nothing. Truth is, these are real women doing real things. Period.  I hate seeing a high fashion add with a model in the middle of the desert in an extravagant gown with no water or food. Great picture but it’s not practical. Commercial and catalog adds are always cheesy too. So, I wanted something more natural and realistic. Have models do everyday things effortlessly. (walking the dog, leaving the nail salon, laundry)  I've had a list of women I followed through social media or have met during social events that I wanted to work with. I didn't feel like going through the motions...

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